Tile work in the Bathroom.
It was the last week of October, and I took some time off to get the tiling done. Hubby was now working 10 hour days. This job wasn’t expected to be done until almost Christmas. Sure was slowing down our progress. We took the previous weekend to do some fencing and get the new heated automatic water trough installed. We unhooked the water supply to the old one when we redid the water lines in March, so it was about time we got that finished. The tank had been sitting in the shop all summer.
Wednesday, October 26th, I got up early and went to work. The first thing was installing the frame for the shower door. I planned on using the side rails as stops for the tile. Here’s the tub with the base rail installed.

Best way to start any project is to lay out everything you think you may possibly need. That way you won’t have to be looking for it later on.

Then I put up the side rails, and starting getting ready to set tiles. I installed an edge board to keep the first row level.

And here is what it looked like 12 hours later.

I used my rotozip to cut the tiles. I got the tip to lay the tiles on sheetrock to cut them. Then it doesn’t matter if you also cut into the sheetrock, and it does not hurt the special blade. I did wear out one blade by the time I was done with the project.
By Monday all the tiles were installed and ready to be grouted. I wanted the drain and hooked up in the tub before doing that messy job.

Once the grout was done and cured a bit, we were ready for the fixtures. I spent about two weeks from start to finish working on the tiles, though most of that time was letting things set up.

By November 15th, we finally had the toilet hooked up. Now we didn’t need to head to the other end of the house anymore.

The following weekend we got to work on the fixtures for the tub. Hubby was working on the soldering.

Nikki made sure the faucet wasn’t going anywhere.

While Oliver took on the important job of being a paper weight. Didn’t want those instructions to wander off!

I worked on installing the light fixture and mirror.

We used the old vanity out of the half bath, and some cheap cabinets for temporary use. The sink and faucet are new. Someday we’ll get the new cabinets made, but this will work for now. Anna thinks it works just fine.

Here’s the bathtub/shower all finished and ready to be used. It has two controls and shower heads.

Finally, we had a fully functioning bathroom. The next step would be ripping out the old one. We had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Deer season opened that weekend, so we spent some time on the weekend sitting in the cold without seeing anything. Sunday it started to drizzle so we spent the day inside. Relaxed and watched the rain coming down.
By Sunday evening, the rain had turned to ice, and things looked pretty bad. The wind was kicking up and the temps were dropping. We went to bed figuring we wouldn’t be making it in to work in the morning. Around 11pm, the lights started flashing on and off. So we got up and flipped several breakers to protect the appliances. About 10 minutes later, the power went out. Well, there was nothing to do about it, so we went back to sleep.